Expert Evaluation. Accurate Analysis. Honest Opinions.

Consultants, LLC

We Can Save You Time & Money

Healthcare Litigation Consultants specializes in assisting attorneys work more effectively in personal injury,  medical malpractice, and other healthcarerelated casesHealthcare Litigation Consultants will partner with you to help you exclude cases that should not be pursued from your case load.

Healthcare Litigation Consultants is led by Medical Director Dr. Bruce Perlmanreview the medical details of your case so you can concentrate on what you do best.

Healthcare Litigation Consultants Cares About the Truth

As a modern, innovative health care consulting firm, we know that healthcare errors are a serious concern. We also know that uncovering what really happened in a situation can be challenging, especially when you consider the nuances of medical jargon and the sheer amount of information to examine. Doctors rarely honestly document medical records when they commit malpractice. You have to put the pieces of the puzzle together to find the true answer for what went wrong.

Being well equipped to understand the intricacies of medical cases takes expert knowledge and dedication. Healthcare Litigation Consultants team always reviews with an unbiased lens to give you honest opinions based on our nearly 40 years of experience and uptodate research.

Our Services


Medical Records


Appropriate Experts


Liability & Causation


Expert Affidavits


Medical Narratives

Contact Us Today!

Healthcare Litigation Consultants team led by Medical Director Dr. Bruce Perlman, review the medical details of your case so you can concentrate on what you do best.

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Healthcare Litigation Consultants, LLC
Litigation Consultants, LLC
3598 Highway 11, Ste 210, Box 13
Travelers Rest, SC 29690